Here are all the Pesach tefillot times. For more detailed zmanim, see below or click the link here.
Tuesday 04/12/2023
- Shacharit 6:45/815 am
- Mincha (korbanot) 7:40 pm
- Ashrei 7:45pm
- Drasha and Arvit to follow
Wednedsday – Shvii Shel Pesach
- Shacharit 8:15am
- Mincha (korbanot) 7:41pm
- Ashrei 7:46pm
- Shiur and Arvit to follow
- Candles, prep, Kiddush at home no earlier than 8:55PM
Thursday – Acharon Shel Pesach
- Shacharit 8:15am
- Mincha (korbanot) 7:42pm
- Ashrei 7:47pm
- Dvar Halacha
- Arvit 8:35pm