UPDATE: Monday Selichot
There will be TWO minyanim for morning Tefilot on Monday, September 4:
Netz minyan – starting with Selichot at 5:45am
Late minyan – starting with Selichot at 7:30am
There will be TWO minyanim for morning Tefilot on Monday, September 4:
Netz minyan – starting with Selichot at 5:45am
Late minyan – starting with Selichot at 7:30am
In order to allow time for korbanot at least once a week, we’re moving Selichot on Sundays to 7:00am instead of 7:10am.
The weekly times, including candles, shkia, etc, can be found here or viewed and printed from the Bet Knesset Chochmat Shlomo website. In addition, upcoming Shabbat times are available on our website: https://bkcscle.com/upcoming-shabbat-times/
Please join us each day for a few moments of uplifting and participatory tefillot.
(none at this time)
Email gabai@bkcscle.com to have your information included here.
You can find donation information, whether paying online or by check, on our website: http://bkcscle.com/donate/
Questions on scheduling, halachot, and other shul goings-on can be directed to HaRav Tzvi Maimon: (330)531-8720 or rav@bkcscle.com